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Research Director

Koichiro Tanaka
(Professor, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University)
1990 Dr. of Science, Kyoto University
1990 Research Associate, Institute for solid state physics, The University of Tokyo
1995 Researcher (Group Leader), Hirao-Active-Glass Project (ERATO, JST)
1997 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kyoto University
2004 Professor, Department of Physics, Kyoto University
2008-present Adjunct PI,Professor, iCeMS, Kyoto University
2014-present Professor, Department of Physics, Kyoto University

Out of an interest in fundamental physics, I previously
conducted research using THz light as a tool to investigate the
excitation mode of electrons and molecules in semiconductors.
I started out by using existing equipment for measurement, but
the light source intensity was weak, and I became unsatisfied
with the measurement method as well. This motivated me
to continue pursuing world leading research, with the goal
of developing a light source and creating a measurement
apparatus. Now I have succeeded in developing the underlying
technology necessary to apply imaging technology using THz
light to society.
In this ACCEL project, we will drastically improve the
performance of individual elements based on semiconductors,
reconstructing the THz light system in order to satisfy every one
of those long-unmet industrial expectations, bringing about a realtime,
reliable, and safe imaging system.
I have already drawn multiple road maps to success. My aim
is the creation of innovations that will allow this technology to
become common and contribute to society as soon as possible.

Program Manager

Ryoichi Fukasawa
(ACCEL Program Manager, Japan Science and Technology Agency)
1989 Ph.D. in Physics, Niigata University
1989 Japan Spectroscopic Corporation
1993 Researcher, Department of Physics, Emory University
1995 Researcher, Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
1998 Tochigi Nikon Corporation
2004 Established Spectra Design Ltd.
2008 President, Spectra Design Ltd.
2017 ACCEL Program Manager, JST
When I was carrying out corporate research on THz technology,
Professor Tanaka and I succeeded in developing a compact
THz sensing system that was revolutionary at that time. Later,
I founded an R&D-type venture company and continued
development towards putting THz light technology to practical
use, such as establishing non-destructive inspection equipment
utilizing THz light. These days, the industry has increasing and
varying demands for the ability to image objects more precisely
and more fi nely, so I am constantly strongly reminded of the need
for a THz light technology that allows us visualize objects that
were invisible using existing light technology. THz light technology
has made some impressive advances in recent years, but there
are still obstacles preventing the wide adoption of this technology
in society. To solve these problems, we need to accomplish
breakthroughs such as downsizing and reducing costs by carrying
out semiconductor-focused research in this ACCEL project.
To open up the path towards full-scale application of THz light
technology, we shall move this project ahead with the goal of
promoting participation from industry and expanding applications.